Living Oneness is an invitation to those who are ready to become whole and one again. 

Living Oneness is practical oneness.

Living Oneness is a response to the separation culture.

Living Oneness is a call to action.

Living Oneness is building the field of oneness.

Living Oneness makes oneness personal.

Stand for Oneness:

10 + 5 =

Living Oneness is most elegant idea of our time, it connects us the warm and energetic light of life.

Living Oneness’s core message is a felt sensation of being connected to life and it is not about convincing or indoctrinating anyone. It’s an invitation to explore a deeper initiation of life and has the potential to profoundly change our perspective on the future without requiring us to change our beliefs. It is a living invitation to live life from a place of wholeness and interconnectedness.

Living Oneness means to take a stand for love, empathy, care and mutuality and leave the fear doctrine behind.

At its essence, Living Oneness invites us to view life as an interconnected whole. I embrace the idea that everything within and outside of my awareness is part of me. This perspective of oneness transforms the energy flow within me and fundamentally alters my experience of life.

This transformation has a ripple effect on all aspects of our existence. It provides a sensible perspective rooted in the understanding that complexity arises from simplicity, and simplicity is oneness. Without the concept of oneness, the existence of the many is not possible.

What makes this shift even more powerful is that it doesn’t require any specific actions or lead to some sort of enlightenment. It is an ongoing dynamic invitation that is constantly present, even when we lose touch with it.

Living Oneness is manifested in various cultural aspects, such as integral philosophy and non-dual religions and spiritual practices. However, its social application has been slower due to the subjective step it entails. We cannot effectively address challenges in our world unless we personally embrace living oneness.

To grasp the concept of oneness, let’s consider the hard problem of consciousness. Life is more than just a series of events; it involves subjective experiences unique to each individual. Recognizing our connection to the whole through living oneness fulfills our sense of meaning and completeness.

All the parts of the many are still part of the one, even if they are not aware of their oneness.

One common objection to living oneness is the belief that it implies homogeneity, that we all become the same. However, this notion couldn’t be further from the truth. Understanding the nature of reality and numbers, we realize that there can only be one oneness. Oneness manifests through uniqueness, and every part of the manifested world is unique. Events occur only once.

Through embracing oneness you embrace your uniqueness, by coming into your uniqueness you become aware of the one source that holds everything together.

Embracing living oneness challenges our ability to judge what is good or bad, welcomed or unwelcome in our lives. We must accept everything as part of the oneness, especially the people we encounter. I choose to embrace all aspects of the people in my life, recognizing them as part of me.

My experiences of oneness have transformed both my internal and external perspectives. The boundary between my inner and outer worlds has blurred, leading to foundational decisions about how I relate to reality. Instead of trying to push outcomes I let them organically develop by embracing what already exists, seek a deeper understanding and respond along the growth lines that are revealed to me.

This shift in perspective also transforms our social behavior and empowers us. Living oneness is available to everyone, regardless of their level of understanding. It offers inner and outer agency, instilling confidence that everything can be integrated, even in moments when the sense of oneness is lost.

Living oneness is an appropriate response to the challenges of our modern world, especially when discerning truth becomes increasingly difficult. In a time of digital technology, AI-generated content, and historical deceptions, it becomes crucial to determine our relationship with reality.

Choosing oneness as our foundational perspective brings peace, freedom, and agency. It allows us to see all arising experiences as part of the oneness and opens us to a natural creativity that guides us in handling the difficult parts of life i.e. change, conflict and disagreement.

The choice to embrace oneness is deeply personal and not solely based on evidence. Even with overwhelming evidence supporting oneness, it requires a personal shift to fully connect our inner and outer worlds. This step empowers us and affirms the significance of our relationship to reality.

Living oneness grants us inner and outer agency, enabling us to respond to change with a deeper understanding. Any perceived disconnection from the whole requires a heightened level of awareness for integration, regardless of its size or origin.

The state of wholeness in our personal inner space is not separate from oneness with the external world. Although this may not be immediately obvious, delving deeper into oneness reveals its all-encompassing non-duality.

When we don’t embrace oneness, our ability to respond to change is limited and distorted. Dual interpretations of reality seek to protect themselves from the truth (like conspiracy theories always do), delaying necessary transformations and perpetuating separateness. This not only hinders progress but also prevents timely responses to challenges.

Assuming oneness as the context for all things, both internally and externally, acknowledges truth even when it’s not fully understood. Oneness provides a safe space for embracing the unknown and allows the future to unfold naturally.

Jesus spoke of “living water” as the energy flowing through all of creation, testifying to our interconnectedness. The oneness cannot be separated, even if its parts are physically apart.

This living flow responds to the state of its parts, manifesting as a felt presence and lived experience. Making oneness personal transforms it from a concept into a tangible reality, enhancing our relationship with existence.

In conclusion, living oneness offers a transformative perspective on life, allowing us to embrace the interconnectedness of all things. It challenges our preconceived notions, empowers our responses, and provides a foundation of peace and freedom. It is a deeply personal choice that affirms the significance of our relationship to reality and opens the door to a more profound understanding of existence.

Daniel Hirtz

updated September 12th, 2024

Stand for Oneness:

10 + 15 =